Imprint - EOS in Slovakia


EOS KSI Slovensko, s.r.o.

Prievozská 2
821 09 Bratislava
Tel: 02/ 323 00 111
Fax: 02/ 323 00 110

Registered on Mestský súd Bratislava III., section: Sro, insert n. 15294/B
IČO: 35724803
IČ pre DPH: SK2020228320

Bank account:
UniCredit Bank Slovakia, a. s.
Číslo účtu: 205028007/1111

Web tracking and use of cookies

We take the protection of your privacy very seriously when we collect, process and use your personal data in accordance with legal requirements, and we want you to feel both comfortable and safe when using our website. This data protection declaration applies only to this website and not to linked websites.

This website uses etracker technology to collect visitor behavior data. This data is collected anonymously to be used for marketing and optimization purposes. All visitor data is saved using an anonymous user ID and can be aggregated to a usage profile. Cookies may be used to collect and save this data, but the data remains strictly anonymous. The data will not be used to identify a visitor personally and are not aggregated with any personal data. The collection and storage of data may be refused at any time with respect to subsequent services.

Disable etracker

Session cookies required for the operation of the website

These cookies are automatically stored on the server by PHP for each user. As a rule, they are deleted after 20 minutes of user inactivity on the website.

Promotion cookies

EOS also uses cookies for certain promotions that are stored beyond the duration of a given session (‘persistent cookies’). These cookies ensure, among other things, that you are only shown certain promotions once and not repeatedly. The cookies remain stored in your browser until you delete them. You can of course configure your browser so that our cookies are not stored on your hard drive. Details of how to change cookie settings in your browser can be found in your browser’s help section.